3 exercises to improve handgun shooting Accuracy (+ 3 Tips)

Years ago I had the tremendous honor of co-authoring Law Enforcement training articles with mentor, friend, and world-renowned strength coach Charles Poliquin. Our first article in the series was this one (reprinted from the original CharlesPoliquin.com) covering different exercises to improve handgun shooting accuracy.

With his work with military branches, secret service, and special forces and teams around the world, he saw that rotator cuff strength could play a major role in handgun shooting accuracy. Surprisingly, there had never been a scientific study done on this. We are working with a research team from one of the local colleges to remedy that🙂

Based on his and the work we were doing with the law enforcement community here in Massachusetts, we collaborated for our first article together in 2011: Tips to Increase Firearm Shooting Accuracy (reprinted from the original Charlespoliquin.com)

I hope you enjoy and stay tuned for a new follow up article on Improving Firearm Shooting Accuracy, this one written with my good friend and world-renowned postural recalibration expert and owner/founder of Posturepro, Annette Verpillot. Check out her Ted Talk here.

As always, thank you for reading and stay tuned for more!

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